Artists have found inspiration in Classical Mythology for hundreds of years. In Persistence: The Continuing Influence of Classical Myth, artists have tackled the universal tales- some using traditional imagery and others with a modern twist- but all…
Lydia Panas redfines the portrait, creating a far less saccharine facade and delves deeper into the psyche. Inspired by the painting The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit by Sargent, Panas' work had been featured in numerous museums and galleries…
This Too Shall Pass focuses on artists whose body is an intrinsic part of their studio process. Mirandah Akeley and Corbett Fogue consider the emotional significance of body function- a breath, a swallow, a spit. As each artist performs their…
In this exhibition, Angela Fraleigh reimagines the role of women as they have been depicted in art history, literature, and media. She reaches through the depths of centuries-old and often patriarchal tradition to breathe new agency into her female…
From Disney to Playboy and billions of Sunday morning papers in between, the art of illustration is tightly ingrained in the American zeitgeist. Narrative illustration is unique in its ability to be harrowing, hilarious, or politically motivating, at…
Those who have been denied a voice are forced to scream the loudest. Loud Silence: Expressions of Activism calls on the viewer to examine their own blind-spots and understand perspectives they may have never considered, through art. The works…
Holly Trostle Brigham's beguiling series of watercolors of women artists from the Middle Ages through the Rennaissance, Baroque, and Modern eras calls to mind the eighteenth-century ideal of the speaking likeness. Boldly illu inated and deftly…
Artist Lyn Godley explores the relationship between art and technology in her exhibition, Lit. Inspired by the interaction of light with differing materials, Godley combines LEDs and fiber optics with photography to study the therapeutic applications…
The Rust Belt Biennial is a celebration of photography with work realized throughout the Rust Belt Region in all its manifestations. The exhibition covers the land, its people, and the histories ingrained in the soil across the Rust Belt Region.
The iconic photographs of Pete Souza are well known from his tenure as Chief Official White House Photographer for President Obama. What most people don?t remember is that Souza, who was trained as a photojournalist, was also an Official White House…