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Carolyn Lyn Hoffa's copy of class picture from 1941. On the back :

"Left to Right: 8th in from left: Carolyn Lyn Hoffa (later Reif), age 28 then."
Brian Wood is an American contemporary artist working with multiple media in New York. His paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, films, and books are exhibited internationally and are held in many private and public collections. Brian Wood works…

Betsy Bell Condron created a photo album/scrapbook of Dorothy Morgan's artwork.
Although Barry Roal Carlsen, Douglas Safranek, and Stuart Shils each creates small-format paintings depicting contemporary urban landscapes, their sensibilities, formal concerns, and content differ considerably. In this exhibition, exploration into…
The active poltical lives of John Wilkes and Isaac Barre coincided with the golden age of portraiture perhaps not by coincidence. The exhibition speaks to both the politics of the two men and the illustrations that depicted them.
This exhibition and accompanying catalogue represent the first in-depth survey of Anthony Sorce's protean artistic career. At times an innovator, at times a developer, Sorce has consistently experimented with new processes, materials, and aesthetic…
In this exhibition, Angela Fraleigh reimagines the role of women as they have been depicted in art history, literature, and media. She reaches through the depths of centuries-old and often patriarchal tradition to breathe new agency into her female…

Andy Warhol coined the phrase "Everyone should be famous for 15 minutes."

This exhibition examines Warhol's interest with pop culture figures, the images they are synonymous with and the transformative quality of Warhol's process, thus creating…
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