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This Too Shall Pass focuses on artists whose body is an intrinsic part of their studio process. Mirandah Akeley and Corbett Fogue consider the emotional significance of body function- a breath, a swallow, a spit. As each artist performs their…
The Drum Lithographs were made when artist Reginald Pollack and printer Jules Sherman were introduced.
Artists have found inspiration in Classical Mythology for hundreds of years. In Persistence: The Continuing Influence of Classical Myth, artists have tackled the universal tales- some using traditional imagery and others with a modern twist- but all…
Lydia Panas redfines the portrait, creating a far less saccharine facade and delves deeper into the psyche. Inspired by the painting The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit by Sargent, Panas' work had been featured in numerous museums and galleries…
This exhibition surveys the era during which the pictorial exploration of North America evolved from the reportorial to the expressive.
From Disney to Playboy and billions of Sunday morning papers in between, the art of illustration is tightly ingrained in the American zeitgeist. Narrative illustration is unique in its ability to be harrowing, hilarious, or politically motivating, at…
Although Barry Roal Carlsen, Douglas Safranek, and Stuart Shils each creates small-format paintings depicting contemporary urban landscapes, their sensibilities, formal concerns, and content differ considerably. In this exhibition, exploration into…
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