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  • Subject contains " photograph"
Artist Lyn Godley explores the relationship between art and technology in her exhibition, Lit. Inspired by the interaction of light with differing materials, Godley combines LEDs and fiber optics with photography to study the therapeutic applications…
Lydia Panas redfines the portrait, creating a far less saccharine facade and delves deeper into the psyche. Inspired by the painting The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit by Sargent, Panas' work had been featured in numerous museums and galleries…
In this comprehensive exhibition, Hank O'Neal's portrait photography and the endearing stories they tell are on display.
Attempting to make sense of our attachment to the world, George Conniff is a documentary photographer. His landscapes in black and white are ethereal reminders of the world we leave behind.
In Running the Numbers, artist Chris Jordan creates intricate photographic prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs, visually depicting statistics that dramatize aspects of contemporary American culture.
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