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Holly Trostle Brigham's beguiling series of watercolors of women artists from the Middle Ages through the Rennaissance, Baroque, and Modern eras calls to mind the eighteenth-century ideal of the speaking likeness. Boldly illu inated and deftly…
In this comprehensive exhibition, Hank O'Neal's portrait photography and the endearing stories they tell are on display.
Attempting to make sense of our attachment to the world, George Conniff is a documentary photographer. His landscapes in black and white are ethereal reminders of the world we leave behind.
New Expressive Landscapes is an homage to the new landscape painters of our time. Featured in this exhibition includes thrunderous portrayals of mountainscapes, vivacious sunsets, and other incredible depictions of the land.
George Luks: An American Artist is a tribute to George Luks, a rebel painter who defined a generation of painting.
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