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American painter Ron Ehrlich is known for achieving rich surfaces and subtleties of tone melding the techniques of vessel-making with the spontaniety and vitality of action painting
The photographs in this exhibition reveal an intimate look at the friendship between artists Nicholas Taylor and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Exhibitions USA presents an overview of printmkaing of the last tweny years at the Flatbed Press.
Brian Wood is an American contemporary artist working with multiple media in New York. His paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, films, and books are exhibited internationally and are held in many private and public collections. Brian Wood works…
Seymour Lipton was an American abstract expressionist sculptor. He was a member of the New York School who gained widespread recognition in the 1950s. He initially trained as a dentist but focused on sculpture from 1932. His early choices of medium…
Elise Wagner's paintings are all about discovery, emerging awareness of the infintisimal and the vast both on the aprt of the artist and the viewer.
In Running the Numbers, artist Chris Jordan creates intricate photographic prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs, visually depicting statistics that dramatize aspects of contemporary American culture.
This exhibition is a tribute to professor emeritus Richard A. Fuller while also showcasing faculty work from across the university.
Artists have found inspiration in Classical Mythology for hundreds of years. In Persistence: The Continuing Influence of Classical Myth, artists have tackled the universal tales- some using traditional imagery and others with a modern twist- but all…
The exhibition calendar for 2017-2018
Lydia Panas redfines the portrait, creating a far less saccharine facade and delves deeper into the psyche. Inspired by the painting The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit by Sargent, Panas' work had been featured in numerous museums and galleries…
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