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Richard Upton would, for years, return to the Tuscan landscape to depict it at it's rawest, in paint.
This survey seeks to understand the nature of his accomplishment by establishing a chronology and contextualization of his works, by providing an interpretation of his philosophy and a decoding of his methodology, and by locating him within the…
Richard Florsheim's art was very much influenced by the events occuring around him from the Second World War to geometric modernism. His work captures the tragedies and triumphs of our time.
Jimmy Ernst was a painter heavily influenced by Surrealism and Dada as seen in his erratic pallette and interest in chance happenings in his paintings.
pictures of Upward Bound students and staff, with notes written in
This exhibition and accompanying catalogue represent the first in-depth survey of Anthony Sorce's protean artistic career. At times an innovator, at times a developer, Sorce has consistently experimented with new processes, materials, and aesthetic…
Resika's ostensible subject is the place where the outposts of civilization come face to face with nature's forces, which is, as everyone knows, unpredictable. Whether nature or manmade, it is these forms which liberate Resika, as well as become the…
This exhibition is a survey of Will Barnet's lifetime career as a remarkable printmaker.
Attempting to make sense of our attachment to the world, George Conniff is a documentary photographer. His landscapes in black and white are ethereal reminders of the world we leave behind.
Known for his music, Paul Bacon is also known for his astounding illustrations. Illustrating the covers of books such as Catch-22 and Rosemary's Baby, Bacon's work is well known throughout the art and literary world.
In 1984, while on sabbatical leave from the Art Department at Wilkes College, Richard Fuller went to Japan to learn the art of shibori. There, under the tutelage of a master textile artist and dyer Hiroyuki Shindo, he studied the fundamentals of…
William Sterling, a former Wilkes Universtiy professor of painting and art history, has had a profound influence on the area's artistic and intellectual life. This survey of his work encompasses the artists primary focus, which is to say that his…
pictures of Upward Bound students and staff, with notes written in
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